Monday 17 June 2013

Literacy Time!

We are currently reading the shared novel "Skeleton Creek" by Patrick Carman.  The two lead characters are Ryan and Sarah.  Ryan tells his version of events by writing a journal and Sarah explains her role via a series of videos.  Check out the first video linked below - see if you can answer the set questions for pages 1-17 of the novel also.  Happy viewing!

What two reasons does Ryan give for keeping his journal?

Why does Ryan say Skeleton Creek is the wrong place for someone like him to grow up?

Why must Ryan keep his journal hidden?

What was the original name of the town?


  1. Question 1: The two reasons why Ryan keeps his journal are so that he can record down information of the events that happen and so Sarah can hear what he has found.
    Question 2: Ryan says that Skeleton Creek is the wrong place for someone like him to grow up because it is very dangerous and scary place to grow up in.
    Question 3: Ryan must keep his journal hidden because he doesn't want his parents to find out he has had contact with Sarah.
    Question 4: The original name of the town is ...Old man Joe's village.
    By Louis

  2. Question 1: The two reasons why Ryan keeps his journal is... So he can write down current events to get them out of his head and to give Sarah some info for when sarah finds his journal.

    Question 2: Ryan says that skeleton creek is the wrong place for someone like him to grow up in because it is haunted and everyone doesn't like to talk about anything like they are hiding a secret.

    Question 3: Ryan keeps his journal hidden so his parents don't find out what he has been doing and that he has been in contact with Sarah and so that they don't find out that he has been out at the drench at night.

    Question 4: The original name of the town was Linkford.

    Ryan and Paddy

    Mostly done by Rihan
