Thursday 14 November 2013

Media Monday - Level 5 Reading task

I hope everyone had a brilliant Show Weekend!

The Level 5 Media Monday task is below - click on the link to take you to the full article.  Please complete the current events summary sheet and then select 4 new terms from the article to use for the word investigation chart.  Remember to glue both of these sheets in and write your learning intentions in your book before starting.

Learning Intentions:

  •  to read and summarize a detailed newspaper article
  • to understand more complex vocabulary


  1. Critical Thinking Task - have emergency kits ready to go in case of a natural disaster. It's also a really safe idea to make sure you have a plan of attack. Keep lots of water in case something goes wrong... Chelsea , Grace and Paige ;)

  2. Critical Thinking Task - They should have a weather system that alerts them when the wind level reaches a maximum level that they want to know about (100km). Then a siren would be ready to alert the residents that a storm may be about to come and to prepare for the worst. All of the residents should have a basement that has enough supplies to last a few weeks when destruction is done. In the basement they should have a water source that enables them to have fresh water, they should also have lots of food, radios, and spare batteries.
    At the coast they should also have a barrier to stop mass destruction from wave and act as a small wind break.

  3. The Filipino Citizens need to be prepared by .... keeping an emergency kit including water, tinned food, windup torch and radio, tin opener, matches, first aid kit, pet food ( optional ), candles, sleeping bag and emergency money. The government should pay for every household to have a 40ft container to be an underground bunker containing stretchers and emergency supplies. By Georgia & Amberley : ) xx

  4. Critical thinking task- some should be more prepared and have a survival safety kit including water, food, medical aid, batteries, a portable radio for listening to the updates of the storm a knife or anything else that you could possibly think of or need And possibly an underground safe-house, or they could have an alerting system that sets off an alarm when the wind get to a minimum speed of maybe 150 kilometers an hour to alert the residences or other people in the area of the storm or disastrous winds.

  5. Critical Thinking Challenge: I feel very sorry for the people effected, my advice to the people over there is to be prepared with a survival kit, underground shelters and escape routes.

    Jackson & Isak A.K.A: SQUILLSON =)
