Thursday 19 March 2015

Speed Writing using a one word prompt

 Check out our opening paragraphs and/or sentences using our one word writing prompt!


  1. I was alone in my big house, three hours before anyone came home. Suddenly I heard a crash! I ran downstairs to see what it was. I saw a window cracked then I took a closer look and I could see ....

  2. On a sunny Saturday Samuel, Kyle and George were playing cricket in the back yard of Caleb's house. Samuel hit the cricket ball at the window. The impact of the ball hitting the window caused it to smash the glass. As this happened Caleb got hit in the head by the flying cricket ball knocking him out!

  3. May 1, 1941. This is the date me and my spitfire didn't have a very good day. That day I lost my squadron, my plane and my wings. Let me tell you how this all started.
    I was on my weekly pot roll with my squadron of spitfires. Flying around Britain wasn't a hard task, they told us to just fly around over the English Channel and look for anything fishy.

  4. Crash! The sound came from the kitchen, I froze in shock wondering what it could be. I took small footsteps towards the kitchen, still shaking as I did so.
    Crash! I heard the sound again but this time I stopped and did not carry on. CRASH!! There was the sound again and this time the sound can with a big black figure was just my cat eating!

  5. Crash! " Oh no I just broke mums favorite diamond glass". Just as well mums not home I quickly pick up the pieces and get on the phone and ring were mum got it from to see it can be fixed.
    "Hello" a sweet voice says.
    "May I help you"? yes I say I have just broken a diamond glass what my mum got from here can it be fixed"?
    "Of course just bring it down when you are ready and it will be 100 dollars to fix".

  6. CRASH
    As I drop a diamond bowl "crash" on the floor, I STOP in terror. I don't know what I have done. I start to clean it up but wonder what to do with the evidence. I decide not to tell Mum but thats not what I want to do. I do want to tell her but just don't know how.
