Wednesday 7 March 2012

Senior Team "Big Day Out"

At the start of Term 1, the Senior Team at Clearview Primary decided to have a "Big Day Out" which included a trip to Adrenalin Forest.  Check out our racy recounts of this event!


  1. Adrenalin Forest

    I shut my eyes tight. I imagined how I would feel on the of the skinny elevated trees and how high the course might be. After imagining the scene, I woke up. I breathed heavily and slumped back down on my seat lazily and leaned against the window seat. My friends were chatting happily about their experiences in Adrenalin Forest but I had never been there so I didn’t know what they were saying. The car parked itself on the harsh irregular stones. “We’re here!” Olivia announced.

    Looking at the soaring lean trees that we would eventually get on, i gulped. “I can’t believe it”, I whispered to myself. We soon got geared up. We had a red harnest each and we had to tighten it. My palms were sweating so badly that i couldn’t pull the string so I looked around and asked for some help. After everyone had their harnests on, we got some woolly white gloves on. Soon after, we met an instructor and he taught us how to use the pulley, how to climb across the rope and how to walk the course. Then, we did a trial to get the hang of things. It was simple but it was time to start the actual course.

    I was speechless. The trees swayed violently like a hurricane sweeping everything off the forest. The wind was chilly and i could smell the scent of fresh dew in the atmosphere. I glanced up at my friends who were climbing up the ladder and climbed up after them. When it was my turn, i paced myself slowly across the skinny torn rope. The rope kept trembling. I guess i wasn’t quite used to the course yet. I looked past at the next obstacle. “Woah...that’s a long way down...”, I whispered to myself. I looked ahead of me and clipped the pulley onto the rope and descended across the wind that whistled it’s cold breath into my face. I shut my eyes for a few seconds before realizing that i had arrived the other end. I looked back. I had realized that I had done it.

    Glancing back at what I had done, I was quite relieved that it was over. I thought it was a really fun experience and would like to do better if I would ever go to Adrenalin Forest again.


  2. VRRRRROOOOM, the bus engine started like a pride of lions were roaring angrily. The senior team and I fought over the seats in the smallish bus, as we headed out to Adrenalin forest. I sat next to Daniel H in the bus we talked about Facebook and Adrenalin forest through the entire trip.

    When we arrived I stepped out of the bus “Hmmm-ahhhh” I breathed in, the fresh air filled my lungs. As the rest of the senior team jumped out I stood owl eyed at the colossal, magnificent course. I wanted to thank Mrs Young for organizing this trip but my feet were frozen to the spot. We arrived around 9:00ish, the perfect time for climbing, having fun and freaking out.

    The Adrenalin forest instructors showed us how to put our gear on. The gear that we had to put on was harnesses and gloves. The harness slipped on like butter I ran to get some gloves. The Adrenalin forest instructor told us that the harnesses could hold the weight of two baby elephants. Then he showed us the safety procedures on the practice course.

    I was almost finished on course 1 and I was totally terrified
    “Come’n Omar, you can do it” shouted Ellen who was behind me. I took small baby steps closed my eyes and counted 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9......10

    “I can’t believe it” I shouted “I did it!”
    Half an hour later I was on course 3 and I was terrified to the X-TREME max but Mrs Lipscombe kept on shouting thing like....
    “You can do it Omar”
    “Don’t give up your almost there.”
    Even though my legs were shaking like jelly and my hands were sweaty I was determined to finish.

    I was on the last obstacle before the zipping fast flying fox, (which by the way is the last obstacle) slowly I walked across...
    “ZZZZZZZZZ” wailed the flying fox
    CRASH was the noise as I crashed into the crash pad
    “Oww that hurt” I wheezed.
    “Well done Omar” said Mrs Lipscombe.
    We marched carefully to Spencer park, I flopped on the floor opened my lunchbox and started scoffing food in my mouth. Then I finished a whole bottle of wonderful sparkling ice cold water.

    I enjoyed this journey and I was pretty tired, I hope we can go again next term (although we won’t). My favorite course was level 3, even though it was the scariest it was still my favorite course.
    By Omar

  3. Aimee's Recount

    On the third of February term one, week one, the senior team went to Adrenalin Forest and Spencer Park . It was a freezing cold morning and everyone had to be at school by 8:00 am and the bus was leaving at 8:15 am. Everyone was in mufti. The bus trip from school to Adrenalin Forest was boring and endless I nearly fell asleep. I was really excited when we got there and the smell of pine wafted in the doors of the bus as they opened. When i got out of the bus all i saw was trees towering above me like the sky tower.This was our big day out.

    Before we got started we had to be shown how to put the harness on, what to do when were on the ropes and what to do if something went wrong. After we had gone through all the safety and what to do we got taken to a really small monkey bridge and flat flying fox for a practice. It was really easy but it’s not that easy when you’re on the real thing and on the big flying foxes. I was really scared and nervous, luckily I had my best friends Roberta and Shenae there to comfort me.

    When I was on the course Roberta, Shenae and I all climbed together it was really fun, but it was quite hard to climb when it was so cold that your hands were numb. Roberta, Shenae and I all did level one two and then Shenae and I did level three well I didn’t quite complete level three because I got rescued half way through because I chickened out. On the course there were lots of obstacles like monkey bridge, flying foxes, spider webs, logs, Tarzans and much more. Some of the kids did level six and they yelled down to us that on level six the trees wobble.

    I was exhausted and I was aching all over especially my neck. We were finished at Adrenalin Forest for the day so we went over to spencer park.We ate our lunch and then we were allowed to go on the playgrounds. The playgrounds at Spencer Park were really cool and there was lots of obstacles. On one of the playgrounds there was a obstacle like at Adrenalin Forest but not as high up but you were still scared that you would fall of because you weren’t clipped on. Roberta Shenae and I all went exploring through the playgrounds we found lots of flying foxes and when we were on them we felt like Tarzan we also saw a cool slide that we all went down at the same time.

    Finally it was time to go home the bus trip home felt even longer than the trip there because everyone was to tired to talk. Shenae and I sat together and we didn’t say a word to each other the whole way because we were to tired. I was really happy and relieved that I was going home but i was hoping I could go there some other day and finish level three and go onto level four maybe even level five. When we got back to school we packed up and we were allowed to go home. I was exhausted, but would love to go back to Adrenalin Forest again.

  4. Zach's recount

    On Saturday the 10th of February Mum and I were looking at game demos on the internet because it was raining more drizzling to be exact. I found this game called Uncharted where you have to find the temple of El Dorado.

    My character was called Nathan Drake he is a fortune hunter he goes to the most inhabited places searching for the latest fortunes.

    At the start of the game his girl friend and him were flying to the temple when there old sea plane catches fire like an ambush. He grabs a parachute and skydives off the plane with his girlfriend Drake lands in the bushes. Drake runs off into the jungle with his girlfriend nowhere to be seen he climbs up some vines and starts getting shot by an indian.

    After being shot by an indian he hides behind a statue he aims and fires splat one down! one to go bang bang bang lets move he said he climbs across a tree he finds himself at a cliff he looks down and sees someone walking around aim fire!
    “Ah I’m under attack”
    “Get him now!” said the guy.
    “Bang, bang, bang, got him!” said Drake.
    Drake jumped to the ground, nobody was to be seen. Drake climbed a crumbled rock and then a locked gate. He walked into some ruins and saw a gate and spotted someone through it.

    Drake shot the lock, kicked the door open and threw a grenade through the locked gate. KABOOM! The grenade exploded like a volcanic eruption through the night -GAME OVER.

    I exited the game and uninstalled it. That was fun maybe I could play that another day.

  5. Kieran's recount

    “I’m so excited!” I kept saying to myself on Friday 3rd of February at 8:30am as the year 7’s and 8’s go to Adrenalin Forest and Spencer park for the day.I was very enthusiastic as I have never been before.
    Most kids went by bus but some went in parents cars. I went in a parents car with Josh and Cory because the bus didn’t have enough seats. We got lost on the way because the car in front that we were following went through a red light but we still beat the bus.

    At Adrenalin Forest I was only allowed to courses 1 and 2 because you had 1.45m to go on all seven courses. We had to put on a safety harness that had two clips and a pulley attached to it. Then we did a learning course with had the basic obstacles.

    Everyone started on course one because that was as easy as taking candy from a baby and some people I thought might get to course seven. I zoomed through course one. It was only like 5m of the ground.But for me course 2 was like course 7 for me because I could not reach some wires and I nearly got stuck on the barrels because you had to crawl though them but one of clips got stuck so I had to yell for help and finally got free after 5 minutes. So I got of and then ate my lunch.

    After I ate my lunch I encouraged others like it was the Olympics by yelling encouraging phrases. After we ran out of time we packed up and went across the road to Spencer Park and after we played a bit it was time to go back to school for 30 min then it was time to go home.

    In all it was a fun,exciting and scary day. I’m very happy that I did it and did not have to get someone to rescue me. Hopefully if I did it again I will be able to do all the courses, because I was quite sad I couldn’t do all the courses but I am still very happy I didn’t give up.

  6. Amazing writing Senior students. I love your descriptions and word choices. Very clever! - Miss LIpscombe

    1. Sorry it has taken me so long to leave a comment on these amazing recounts - fabulous description by all of you. It makes me want to go back right now...well not right now as it is 9:30pm at night, that would be scary! Mr Burson

  7. awesome recounts guys!

    Joseph B
