Wednesday 30 May 2012

Senior Team - "Big Day In"

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Use the photo clips to write a factual recount of the Senior Team's "Big Day In".  Happy writing team!


  1. Happy, Frustrated and a Princess all in One Tuesday

    This was the Tuesday the 8th of May that everyone was anticipating. Some people had a fierce look in their eyes. They were ready to win! Others were just happy to be part of it. As the senior students of Clearview Primary gathered outside the Clearview Primary school hall, the students of the New Zealand Institute of Sport were waiting for us. We deserved this after a long and tireless effort of HomeLearning achievements.

    Everyone accumulated in front of the school hall and lined up in their house groups and then sat down. :) Each one of the instructors introduced themselves and politely took a group. :P We were all patiently waiting but we were also tingling with excitement. The team that I witnessed sat in front of their first activity. The bucket toss. They all stood up and waited for the ding a ling bell to sound. Then suddenly it rang. The first two girls were too quick and their main concern was to get as many people in their team through to get the maximum amount of points possible. But the third girl had been observantly watching and noticed the flaw in their strategy. She went up to the three bean bags that were awaiting her. She swiftly picked one up and carefully aimed at the second bucket and with a sudden burst of power she threw the bean bag like a shot put. The bean bag looked like it was going to miss but somehow the odds were in her favour and in the bucket it went. She threw again and again but she was not as nearly as victorious as the first time. The second the last bean bag hit the ground she sprinted to go collect the three bean bags that she had tossed. You could tell by the look on her face that she needed her teammates to score more points.

    The bell rang once more and that was it. The senior students partook in other activities such as Obstacle Courses, Sack Racing and a mine field game. Alvina Lau was interviewed and she said one of her favourite activities was one of the obstacle courses where you had to dodge poles. The best part of it was when someone that can’t be named decided to get smart mouthed and got declared Princess of Girls.

    Finally, the last bell rang and all the seniors then assembled off onto the court. We all sat down with anticipation waiting to find out the winning house of the Big Day In. The winner was announced it wasFIRE.
    Then all the people in fire house were asked to line up in a line to receive their gummy bears and freddo chocolate. That was definitely the highlight for most people in fire house.

    Recounted By Myami and Alvina.

  2. The morning of Tuesday 8th of May was rather ordinary. We did maths, reading, and writing until our brains exploded! It was only at lunchtime when things started to go rather bonkers. Firstly, weird people arrived and put games on our school field, secondly the teachers watched and let them do this hideous and mischievous crime! But then we realized - it was the senior team big day in!

    We headed back to class when the bell rang where our teachers commanded us to head over to the Clearview primary school hall and line up in our houses where we were split into 1/2. The bell sounded and some people raced off but some stood dazed. Then then they snapped into reality and bounded across the field towards their mates.

    Earth house sat on the wet squishy grass as the NZIS instructor explained the rules of the first activity - the duck run. Each team was to hop run skip or walk around a set of poles with a duck on their head. The winers were the first ones to have their whole team round the course two times meanwhile water house were taking on the land boa. How this game worked was there were 2 teams and each team had to choose 2-3 people to stand on a piece of wood with pipes underneath. The other team members had to move the pipes from the front of the boat to the back of the boat. We only had 10 minutes to do it and it was incredibly hard to do!

    We all thought that the day was a success and thanked Mrs Young graciously for organizing the whole event.

    By Paige and Tayla

  3. The big day in was fun for the whole senior team! But the map activity was hard!

    Joseph B
