Wednesday 15 August 2012

Fears and Phobias

We have been writing personal recounts about a fear or phobia we may have had when we were younger.  Hopefully you might to be able to relate to a few of these issues shared - enjoy!


  1. Bushphobia

    I never liked bushes. Their yucky green colour and revolting smell always kept me away from them. But this flashback starts one day when I was little I was forced to go horse riding. As much as I complained and hid I was found and put on the back of an unusually tall hourse.

    This ain’t so bad I thought to myself as I rode up a hill not knowing what my destiny was! “BAM” as soon as I figured out what was happening it was too late. I was stuck in a bush hanging from a tree about three times as high as I was.

    As I dangled from from one hand and somehow one foot I thought this was gonna be the end. “Crack” the branches holding me up screeched as I fell through the air smashing my back on the ground gasping for air. Just when I thought it was all over, darkness fell over me pushing me even further into the hard ground. It was the bush with a few branches on top.

    It wasn’t too long before I was out but it seemed like forever. When I emerged from the pile I was covered in scars and leaves, luckily without and broken bones. But the fear of bushes.

    So when people ask why I don’t like bushes this is what they find out.
    By Hunter

  2. Hunter! Well done, what a fabulous recount with great use of adjectives and imagery - I really feel like I was there!

  3. I thought this was a great recount of your phobia Hunter.I loved the way you developed the writing and kept me interested all the way through


    As I rolled up my sleeve I almost faint as a 5 cm needle dug into my arm, punching through skin and muscle, injecting me with poison. The pain is excruciating, I blacked out.

    I wake up shaking and covered in sweat. I look at the calendar “hmmm nothing going on today, oh my eleven year old... no it can’t be true” I stuttered “MY ELEVEN YEAR OLD INJECTION!” “I thought some thing was worrying me!”

    The reason why I hate injections starts when I was 5, I had to have 1 injection a day for a week! The nurse kept on missing which really hurt!

    Also when I was 8 or 9 my brother cut his knee which needed 5 stitches! I can still hear him screaming rom the other side of the clinic!

    Now I had to relive hell on earth! We entered the clinic. I sat twiddling my thumbs , I grew more and more nervous as I waited for my name to be called out.
    “Cameron jolly” I hesitated then grudgingly accepted my fate. I entered the room as the doctor picked up a 5cm needle! “now which arm do you write with?”
    “my right” I replied.
    “Ok” he pulled off the cap in went the needle. I was turning red “take a breath please”, I didn't realism that I was holding my breath.
    “Oh that wasn't bad” NOT I was bouncing around muttering how the only made injections to hurt you!

    And that does it with injections, no more, ever until never. I reckon that injections are the worst thing to happen since operations!!
    Cam Jolly
