Monday 23 July 2012

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Check our our amazing holiday recounts - it is great to see the progress Homebase 19 is making with their writing!  Your feedback and comments are much appreciated!


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  2. In the second week of the holidays Mum,Paul,brother Brydon and I all went to Hanmer Springs.We wanted to get away from home,to have a relaxing holiday.

    Paul drove the Mazda all the way to Amberley bakery so we could have lunch.After the ham and egg sandwich with a homemade Belgium biscuit on the side, we were on the way to see nan at Amberley rest home.When we got to the rest home nan was eating her lunch.Mum signed in which meant we could talk to nana now ,we went to the sun room, mum and nan talked for one hr while my iPod was charging.

    We were off again on our way to Hanmer Springs. One hour and forty five minutes later we got to the holiday home, I walked in to the holiday house and holy moley that is a big tv! It was a whopper 55 inch.

    “Mum can I go swimming?” “No”. She explained why we were not going swimming, we were going for a walk instead. I saw a lolly shop, the lolly shop was called The Lolly Pot. I asked Mum if we could get some lollies and she agreed. The shop looked small from the outside but it was big on the inside. It smelled like lollies. The smell of the lollies tingled my nose.

    We got up at 8:00am and we were going swimming at Hanmer Springs,Hamner Springs opened at 8:30 but we got there at a 8:25 and we were the first ones there.In the five minutes that we were there mum told us that we can have a day pass.I was not turning that down.There was salt every where because it was so slippery the first thing that i went to was the hot pools and boy were they hot,after i warm up i went to the water slide.That got a we bit boring so i went to the super bowl, it was cold but it made me dizzy that i could hardly walk in a straight line. me and my brother meet this American dude and he was really funny because his accent, it was mixed with a south African accent as well.Since i had a day pass i can go back........

    We went to the mini golf centre and we asked for the family four wheeled bikes. The bikes had four wheels, just like a car but it had two steering wheels. Paul drove us for thirty minutes, we all had to pedal together but Paul was steering too. We went up Conical Hill a little bit, my legs felt numb!

    Overall, it was a very good family holiday. We had a few downs but that doesn’t matter as long as we had a good holiday. A good holiday to me is one that has family time, relaxing time and is enjoyable.

    From Nicholas

  3. “We are going!” Mum screamed. “Ok!!” I answered, which meant I had to get out of bed. My brother and I shot out of the door like lightening. We jumped in the car and mum drove off.
    “Where are we going?” I asked. “Shopping, shhh”.
    At that moment I was really suspicious about what we were doing today. It was in the middle of the school holidays and it was the only day to have fun. So then I was extremely suspicious.

    We were heading down the main road while my brother and I were picturing what would happen. I was thinking Clip ‘n’ Climb, John my brother was thinking the movies. We eventually arrived at the destination, Riccarton Mall. Mum was checking the time, 9.37am.
    “We have to go!” Mum panicked.
    “Why?” I asked.
    “Because we are going to Hoyts!!!”
    “Yes! You’re the mum, give me a hug” I said.
    I felt as happy as a pampered cat. We went up the really cool escalator thingy and went to go up to see Ice Age 4 - Continental Drift. To top it all off it was in 3D!! After that my body was as stiff as an old man, but it was definitely worth it. It was a brilliant movie and guess what, the fun does not end there....

    As soon as we got out mum said with a cheeky voice “We need to go have lunch”.
    Now that made my day but we didn’t have KFC or though it did smell deliciously nice, or McDonalds. So what did we have for lunch? Hungrys. I loved mum so much, Hungrys is almost my favourite food. Sweet n sow pork, honey pork, rice, noodles, and chicken.
    It all sat in my mouth and hugged me. ‘‘thank you Mum’’,’’can I get a doggy bag’’I asked.

    By Cory.

  4. Jellie Park Fun

    “Hurry up mum” I said as we rushed into the car,
    “We’re already ten minutes late” mum speedily said as we drove down the road. It was the 3rd of July when mum and I decided to meet Lynne (my mums friend) and
    Natasha (her daughter) at Jellie Park. We drove as fast as we could to get there at 11:00am. It was a drizzly, cold day and the clouds were as black as black gets, but it was a perfect day to go swimming, accept....... the rest of Christchurch seemed to have the same idea.

    We finally arrived and as we walked inside we got a slight glance of the que, the humungous, gigantic, colossal, enormous que. The line of people waiting was almost out the door and we had to wait for at least fifteen minutes to get in. By the time we got in it was 11:25am, which ment we only had to wait thirty five minutes for the hydroslide to open.

    First Natasha and I decided to go to the 1.4 metre deep pool. As I got in a shivering feeling ran down my spine and I quickly put my head under the water to get the coldness over with. There was a lot of people splashing around and having fun. We did some flips and handstands. I decided to show Natasha how straight my handstands are but as soon as I went under she pulled my legs over my head and flipped me over. The water rushed up my nose and when my head came above the water I couldn’t stop sneezing.

    We checked the big wall clock and saw that the hydroslide was officially open.
    We walked as fast as we could to reach the hydroslide before the crowd of people.
    As we ran up the windy staircase it felt like it went on forever. There is already a line of people and we waited patiently till the light turns green for our go. We made the decision to go doubles and we jumped in the pitch black tunnel. We wined our way around the corners and SPLASH! as we came in contact with the end.
    “That was awesome” we both expressed at the same time.
    “Lets go again” I exclaimed.
    We consistently ran up the stairs and slid down the slide, until our legs were jelly and we nearly fell over as we walked.

    We’d had enough of swimming for the day so we grabbed our bags and went to get changed. After about ten minutes we came out of the changing rooms and went to meet our mums in the cafe. We made the choice to grab a bite to eat at the new McDonalds near the airport. As we reached the car park it started raining cats and dogs. We all made a run for the cars and as we drove off into the cloud all we talked about was how fun the day had been and why we should do it again some other time!

  5. Exam
    I could tell that Kim was watching me. I was nervous but I did my best not to make it noticeable. It would be a fatal mistake if Sam, the little chestnut pony I was riding, sensed any of my negative energy. So I found an empty spot to the left of the jumping paddock at Kim’s riding school and started the first phase of the exam. Ground work. There were three of us. We each had different horses but we all had the same tremendous goal.

    “Figure-of-eight” Kim yelled. I lifted my arms to begin but something was wrong. Quickly, noticing my mistake, I corrected Sam’s position.Once again I lifted my arms, then I loosened my grip on the lead rope and swung the carrot stick twice. Sam pushed himself into a floaty trot. It looked like Sam’s feet weren’t touching the ground. It was hard to believe that a horse that had such beautiful and delicate paces was only a riding school pony and not a champion competing horse. Sam’s tug on the lead rope brought me back to reality. I was happy with his pace so I moved my arms and my feet and together Sam and I executed the perfect figure-of-eight. Not that figure-of-eights were anything to be proud of. That was only the beginning and I knew just as well as Sarah and Ruth that this was going to get much harder.

    The same sequence of events continued. Kim would yell out a command and then Ruth, Sarah and I would do what she told us to do.But when she called out the command to mount our horses, everything changed. Any calmness I had left me and it was replaced by a flood of nerves. My fingers fumbled underneath Sam’s chin as I tried to untwist the lock on the hook of Sam’s lead rope.I heard a distinctive metallic click. An episode of Two and a half men had taught me that if I heard that sound I should immediately zig zag and roll. I kew that that was only the sound of the hook on the lead rope coming undone. I threw the lead rope underneath a large shady pine tree. I quickly lengthened the stirrups and unknotted the rains. I slowly turned Sam’s head so I didn’t cause him to feel uncomfortable.And in one swift movement I put my foot in the stirrup, swung my leg over his back and lightly sat down in the saddle. I had memorized every movement, every action and every detail of this phase. If one thing went wrong that would be all my hard work going flush down the toilet like a piece of toilet paper. Thank God that that day Sam was riding like a dream. Together we couldn’t put a foot or a hoof wrong. ‘Dismount’ Kim ordered. The test was over. I tossed Sam’s rains over his head and jumped for joy. ‘You have all passed’ Kim yelled a broad smile on her face. I felt like running over to my mum and giving her the biggest hug in the world but I had a horse to put away.But that was one of the happiest days of my life.

    By Myami
