Monday 11 August 2014

Character descriptions - Sam

After viewing the animated clip called Sam, write a detailed description of the lead character.  Think carefully about the key elements needed in your description and extend your vocabulary choices.  Paste your most descriptive paragraph into the comment box below - a guest critic is going to be reading these this week and selected the best one.   Good luck writing team!


  1. Sam the average daily business man is in a world where he is a nobody and the girl of his dreams doesn't know that he exists. Sam goes through some interesting slo mo situations to save his fellow colleagues and himself from despair.

    As Sam starts his daily routine he gets into the elevator. The girl of his dreams, Samantha, steps into the elevator and give a little wave. Sam corners himself in the corner with a worried and petrified look on his face. Once they reach the 5th floor, Samantha leaves to go to her office to work.

    Sam has a slender body with a baby blue shirt. He has dark black hair and a red tie. His plain and basic look suggests that he isn’t true to himself and doesn't socialize with his working partners.

    His boss and colleagues tease him for not having friends and being overwhelmed by himself and others. As he gets a coffee from the coffee machine he sees a guy holding out his ripped muscles and two girls holding them. As Sam leaves the guy teases his walking style and the girls laugh.

    A mystery mail man throws a card at Sam for the robot convention just over the road. Sam smiles to himself, he really likes robots and machinery. He goes outside and down the street to the convention where he looks around at all the cool robots and items on display.

    Jack M

  2. Sam is a lanky guy with a simple life but he is bullied by his fellow employees and discouraged by his boss as he tries to prove his worth to his lifelong crush.But what sam doesn't know is that the most peculiar thing is going to happen and he’s going to have to man-up and save the day.

    Sams is a shy, cautious,nervous and straight out outcast in the world who is a boring office working who is fascinated by robots and mini usb sticks.But all sam wants in life is a chance to be with is crush samantha but his lack of confidence is challenging his wit to ask her out.

    Sams natural appearance includes his slender build shirt,trousers and a tie with scruffy black hair plus black eyes and ghost like skin.Sams colleagues think of sam as a total loser but sam unfortunately keeps that reputation by not standing up to his fellow workmates until …
    Sam B

  3. Sam - Connor P

    Sam the businessman has a tough boring life working behind a table of unprofitable paperwork. With no work colleges Sam finds it hard to have self confidence. He has a small build, casual messy matte black hair and sky blue work shirt touched up with a brown tie. Sam has a quite shy personality, not coping when someone new steps into an elevator with him. When he builds up the confidence, they’re gone. On a hard day of work sam will try his best to cope, by staring out the double glazed window into the lazy afternoon sun.

    Out of the corner of his black as night pupils, he see’s the woman he wanted to confront in the elevator. Pointlessly Staring at her like a deer would at headlights. Suddenly something touches his pasty skinned face, its a little blue ticket. Sam was concerned why a postman would zip past his cubicle and hand him an invitation to a robot convention. Anyways he needed a break, so without saying another word he adjusted his mini USB robots, and lept through the door like a small child on friday.

    Luckily the convention was only across the road so he didn't have to walk very far. At the gate he swiped the ticket with no effort needed. Like anyone he followed the crowd of multi cultural people.
    Connor P

  4. Sam is a shy person that doesn't like to hang around people and works at the Ultra Mega Giga Corp (UMGC). He gets teased and can't cooperate with his work mates in his office block. This is held in France the place of machines. Sam gets so wound up on work that gets a day off and goes to the ‘New future’ of robots convention. As he enters in the building he gets uncertain if he wants to do this ‘time off of work thing’. But he goes with it and a guy gives him a bracelet to bypass the security system.

    As he looks around the room he looks at amazing technology that ‘can’ help the world in some way. As he looks around, he looks at the buildblaster500. It’s a gun that can build materials to a building. As Sam scans the room a bit more, he enters a room that is pitch black in the stadium but not on the stage. A demonstration is taking place about a robot that can change the course of history.

    But while Sazm is looking at the demonstration of the robot, time just instantly slows down. Sam did not know what to do when he was the only person to ‘be normal’. Sam walks to the centre of the stage and looks at the crowd. With a sense of confusion, he scans across the room looking at particular objects and buttons. His eyes settle on one control panel with toys with it. With his stupid way of playing with the panel, the robot activates and fires. Hitting the UMGC building and the monorail.

    Sam was so frightened about what he did so he went straight outside, running as fast as he can. He saw the destruction that he made and was so shocked. He found the buildblaster500 and used it ‘rebuild the city’. He fired that gun and shot it at a car that turned to a staircase. He ran up and entered the building. He found two people floating away out of the building. Sam quickly reacts and fires the gun, a red laser suddenly appears and builds a wall.

    His friend was so close from certain death that he nearly got squished like a banana. But he hit the Wall and floated back in slow motion .Sam quickly got hold of him and pulled him towards the ‘not so broken floor’. As Sam passess through the floors he finds more of his friends floating in the air. While Sam saves his friends he finds ‘the girl of his dreams’. falling in slow motion to the bottom of the building. Sam quickly rushes to save by jumping on document containers. He pauses for a second and takes the jump to grab on to her. The bracelet shines so bright that they all go back in time, back to when Sam was watching the robot display.

    He gets so wound up that he leaves the convention, takes off his bracelet and leaves the building. While Sam gets to the UMGC he goes to the girl of his dreams and asks her on a date, to have a second chance with her from his actions that he made. And this time he won't back down on anything.
    Sam J

  5. SAM

    Sam is a tall hunch back man in an animated world with no friends. He is really shy and keeps away from any trouble or bullies as much as possible. He suddenly finds himself in a slow spinning world and has to save his uptight work colleagues from falling to death as everything around him is in big hault.

    For a 30 year old man Sam is indeed one heck of a skinny guy. His legs are so so long and skinny he almost looks like a giraffe walking down the road, the only thing he needs is a suit with spots and people would mistake him for one.

    When a ticket lands down on his desk he gets such a surprise when reading what was printed on the front of it. “Robot Convention” yes!!! he thought as robots are the most amazing things to him and are the closest friends around him. Finally a convention in Christchurch city I have been waiting for one for almost 10 years now.

    Since he finishes work at 12:00pm he left for the convention. Wow he said as he walked up to the gates, its so big I never thought we could hold one like this. As he walked in Sam acts all normal as if he was with a kid, instead of him wanting to go as much as a 10 year old would like to go at Disney Land. Look at all these gadgets he said as he walked through, but where are the robots? “CLAP CLAP CLAP” came through the doors of a stage room, I wonder what that is? So as he thought of what it could be he walked in and had a look.
    Ben A
