Saturday 23 June 2012

HB 19 Attempts to Break World Record

Have you ever wondered what to do with your Mintie lolly wrappers?  Read the following factual recounts to find out how HB 19 attempted to break the world record for the longest strip of paper from a Mintie wrapper.


  1. HB 19 Makes World History!

    Ever wondered how long a mintie wrapper actually is? HB 19 at Clearview Primary set out to discover the answer to this creative and tasty challenge. On Friday 22 June at 10.35 am, 24 students took part in the world challenge event to make the longest strip of paper out of a mintie wrapper. The students were given clear directions of the challenge requirements that included not being able to use scissors, hands to be used only and no sellotape was to be used if the wrapper ripped.

    The competition commenced with the classroom teacher, Mrs Young, describing to the students that they had one and only one mintie wrapper each. Quick chattering of strategies soon erupted from the classroom.

    “Let the mintie wrapper competition begin” boomed Mrs Young over the hushed voices of anxious students. Jack Hurley, aged 11, stated that his strategy was to used his knowledge of mandarin peeling and apply this to the challenge.

    Eventually the first elimination came from Cory Keys after the competition had just began. Keys was disappointed with his efforts due to accidentally losing his placing with the wrapper, but was pleased he had the mouth watering mintie lolly as a souvenir.

    Another contestant, Ben Sisson aged 11 also was sick and tired of what he thought was a silly game so he tore his wrapper in half. On reflection, Sisson agreed that he didn’t go into the game with a specific strategy but a selection of ideas that he needed to trial all at once resulting in his quick elimination.

    The competition concluded with judge Jake Faulkner measuring the final contestants length of paper. The overall winner of the competition was Aimee Nolan with the length of 1 metre and 22 centimetres. Nolan was determined to create the world’s skinniest strip of paper by using the strategies of taking her time and not rushing the task. Nolan hopes to take on other Senior Team students at this competition in the future and possibly represent New Zealand at the Olympics in London next month.

  2. WOW Homebase 19! Your factual recount about your Mintie challenge was very interesting to read. I was very keen to 'read on' to find out the results. You know that a great piece of writing is one that entices the reader to want to read more! So well done.
    Maybe you could come and challenge the students in Homebase 8 and THEN all the teachers. I think I may know a strategy to make sure the wrapper is really long.
    A 'Powerful' factual recount. Top Marks!

  3. Well Done Homebase 19, Very interesting factual recount

    From Eden

  4. Yum, Wish I could try and make a mintie chain.

    Happy Birthday Mrs Young :)
    From Fergus.

  5. Well done very interesting it must of been a challenge

  6. This was it. The moment the students had all been waiting for. The day that homebase 19 students participated in... the very first Clearview Primary Mintie competition!

    And they’re off! The class starts madly tearing at their tiny mintie wrappers, desperately trying to create the longest strip. The dream of being the best doesn’t last long for one child though. Cory Keys started ripping too enthusiastically and managed to break his wrapper within the first 10 seconds of the competition. He was immediately interviewed and told the reporter “ I’m gutted but at least still have my lolly”.

    You could almost see the rest of the students brains working frantically away during this distraction, continuing on with their own mintie creations. Slowly, more students were eliminated but were quite content on sucking their ‘ absolutely delicious’ mintie.

    The competition came to a close shortly after most children were eliminated, with the judge, Jake Faulkner, measuring the last handful of contestants final products with Aimee Nolan coming out as our winner. Her length of paper measured a world famous 1 metre and 22 centimetres. She reflects on the day as being awesome and looks forward to taking on other senior students in the future.

  7. Wow, HB19, what fun! If you ever do this again with fruit burst wrappers, I'll be there to help you eat the peach and lime ones! :) Mrs Scott

  8. I got 1 metre 29cm though :/

  9. My daughter just did one tonight in a Hotel challenge and got 1.85 Meters !
