Monday 1 December 2014

The Highwayman rewritten

We have been reading the well-known poem "The Highwayman" and exploring the poetic devices included within.  As part of our writing we have rewritten this poetic narrative into a modern day context.  Enjoy the twists and turns!

Friday 24 October 2014

Blackout Poetry Workshop

Check out the following clip on how to create your own blackout poems.  We will use newspapers to trial this idea!

Sunday 7 September 2014

Explanation Writing

The following powerpoint will help you when formulating your own explanation - remember to include the key structural and language features of this genre!

Monday 11 August 2014

Character descriptions - Sam

After viewing the animated clip called Sam, write a detailed description of the lead character.  Think carefully about the key elements needed in your description and extend your vocabulary choices.  Paste your most descriptive paragraph into the comment box below - a guest critic is going to be reading these this week and selected the best one.   Good luck writing team!

Thursday 3 July 2014

Quick fire partner writing!

Today for our writing warm-up we created a detailed paragraph in pairs based on a picture prompt.  Our focus was to extend our vocabulary choices and provide information that engaged our audience.  Check out our examples below!

Tuesday 10 June 2014

The Elements of a Short Story

Welcome to the Short Story Workshop!
Please view the following clip before planning your writing.  Think carefully about including all key elements in your plan.  Good luck and happy writing!

Catchy writing warm-ups!

Our writing warm-up today was to come up with a list of ten reasons why we would refuse one million dollars if we were offered it.  We then had to decide what to do with this huge amount of money if we accepted it.  See if you agree with our choices!

Monday 2 June 2014

Your gold medal moment ...

Describe your gold medal moment …
Think carefully about using the 5 senses to describe to the reader how you came to be accepting a gold medal in your chosen Olympic sport.  Remember to punctuate and paragraph your work accurately!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

World Famous in NZ!

We are currently learning how to use key words to take notes  - we used Sarah Walker's life journey so far as the example.  Check out the ideas we have come up with.

You can find out more about Sarah on her official website:

Monday 19 May 2014

Creative sentence starters!

As we are writing our own autobiographies we are trying to come up with some interesting sentence starters to engage our readers.  Feel free to post your suggestions in the comment box below!

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Descriptive writing using Glogster

Just another idea for when you are publishing your writing work - check out Glogster!

Monday 7 April 2014

Describing Characters

Please watch the following clip and describe one of the key characters in this short film.  Think carefully about the key features of the character (personality, appearance, emotions..) that are portrayed in the film. Remember to plan your ideas before drafting.   Happy writing team!

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Descriptive Writing Tools

We are currently exploring a range of tools to help us with our descriptive writing.  Check out how PicLit could be a useful tool when gathering ideas and building vocabulary.  Have a go!

PicLit from
See the full PicLit at