Friday 9 November 2012

Prayer for the 21st Century Poems

After reading and discussing John Marsden's book Prayer for the twenty-first century, HB 19 decided to create our own poems with a similar message. Look out for this workshop next week during our Poetry Cafe sessions. Happy reading!

Tuesday 30 October 2012

What's a million...?

Check out the fantastic "What's a million... poems that HB 19 has been writing. We would love some feedback on these.

Monday 10 September 2012

Estimate of the Week

Homebase 19 is running a competition to see who can guess how many jaffas are in this jar.  Place your estimate in the comment box, along with your name and HB number - remember 1 entry per person so estimate carefully!

Bonus question - how long does it take to make a jaffa?

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Sensational Settings - Narratives

This term our writing focus is Narratives. We will be looking closely at the structure and language features of this type of writing - so let's get the party started! 
Use the image above to describe a possible setting for your own narrative - think carefully about utilising your 5 senses to describe this tranquil location. 100 words limit - happy creative writing team!

Wednesday 15 August 2012

Fears and Phobias

We have been writing personal recounts about a fear or phobia we may have had when we were younger.  Hopefully you might to be able to relate to a few of these issues shared - enjoy!

Monday 23 July 2012

Welcome back!

Check our our amazing holiday recounts - it is great to see the progress Homebase 19 is making with their writing!  Your feedback and comments are much appreciated!

Saturday 23 June 2012

HB 19 Attempts to Break World Record

Have you ever wondered what to do with your Mintie lolly wrappers?  Read the following factual recounts to find out how HB 19 attempted to break the world record for the longest strip of paper from a Mintie wrapper.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Snow Time!

Snow n. frozen vapour falling to earth in light white flakes.  Your task is to recount the journey of a particular snowflake - remember to be descriptive and take your snowflake on a fabulous venture ... a task for the whole family!  Keep safe and warm team :-)

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Senior Team - "Big Day In"

Make your own slideshow at Animoto.

Use the photo clips to write a factual recount of the Senior Team's "Big Day In".  Happy writing team!

Thursday 26 April 2012

Our value focus for this term is "Striving for Success".  Your task is to find a quote or statement relating to success and state how it can apply to students your age.  Remember "success is a journey ... not a destination!"

Sunday 18 March 2012

Memorable Memories!

Write a recount on a recent holiday or camping experience - remember to plan your ideas carefully and ensure events are sequenced in order from arrival at camp to departure.  Happy writing Senior Team!

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Senior Team "Big Day Out"

At the start of Term 1, the Senior Team at Clearview Primary decided to have a "Big Day Out" which included a trip to Adrenalin Forest.  Check out our racy recounts of this event!